What’s in a name?

Time, it’s literally in our name: Chro • net • yx

  • Chro: From the ancient Greek χρόνος (chrono) meaning “time”
  • Net: Refers to reliance on the Internet and Network technologies that has revolutionized the world
  • YX: The YX is a slight nod to the X and Y chromosomes, and associated genetics technologies that has changed our understanding of disease pathways

Chronetyx Guiding Principles

Principle #1 – Time, time and time

Fundamentally, we believe timely, accurate, and actionable molecular diagnostics results being available to clinicians as soon as possible gives patients the best chance for a positive outcome.

Principle #2 – Comprehensive molecular services

Molecular based diseases are not all the same. Pathologists often need several different types of molecular test results in order to have a full picture of the diagnosis and proper treatment plan. Much like a puzzle, if one type of molecular test is missing then the physicians will not be able to finalize the Pathology Report. To mitigate this bottleneck, we believe it is best to have a one-stop-shop of comprehensive molecular testing capabilities all under one roof. The comprehensive nature of Chronetyx’s molecular services avoid sending specimens to multiple labs, reducing the likelihood for errors, and facilities rapid reporting of all results for a patient.

Team Experience Matters

Planning is simply the result of experience read backward and projected into the future.
-William King Gregory

Our team has vast experience in building and running automated high throughput genetic testing systems. A few metrics that our team has led and been a part of:

  • Tens of thousands of Next Generation Sequencing of patient specimens processed
  • Hundreds of thousands of Covid-19 diagnostics qPCR specimens processed
  • Millions of Research & Translational qPCR specimens processed

Licenses & Certificates

Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA)
Certificate of Registration

Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA)
Certificate of Compliance

State of Tennessee Department of Health
Medical Laboratory License

American Proficiency Institute
Participant in a Continuous Program of Quality Assurance of Laboratory Testing

Want to know more?

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